Hover teeth

You couldn't save me from myself
And I couldn't hurt you any less
I could scream as loud as I can
And rage through my teeth
Until they break and crumble
It's worthless
We're fading
I need to be strong
And keep my chin up
So I'll ask you to leave
To make sure I'm not looking back
They say I'll get used to not having you
Not feeling your touch
Sometimes I'm too down
To get up
It's like I'm tied to the bed,
It's not heavier than my head
Arde e sufoca o pulmão
I need to be strong
And keep my chin up
So I'll ask you to leave
To make sure I don't look back
Ease the waters of your mind
I need to be strong
And keep my chin up
I'll ask you to leave
To make sure I don't look back