How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying love from a heart of gold

Hedy, I can't live without you
You mean that?
Of course I do
I know I seem to have everything
Old rich J.B. Biggley, old money bags
People come to me with treasure hunts
My day is spent talking money
And what does it all mean? Nothing
Hedy, nothing means anything without you
Now wait a minute
Don't start getting sincere, that's not fair
Where will I find a treasure
Like the love from a heart of gold?
Ever trusting and sweet and awaiting my pleasure
Rain or shine, hot or cold
Wealth far beyond all measure
Maybe here in my hands I hold
Ah, but where will I find
That one treasure of treasures
The love from a heart of gold?
I never knew you felt that way
No one knows this but I'm extremely emotional
Goddamn it, so am I
Where will I find a treasure
Like the love from a heart of gold?
Ever trusting and sweet and awaiting my pleasure
Rain or shine, hot or cold
Wealth far beyond all measure
Maybe soon in my hands I'll hold
Ah, but where will I find
That one treasure of treasures
The love from a heart of gold?