Hugh & Tillie Wallace the waringsford rising star

Come all ye loyal Orangemen, I'll listen and I'll sing
In honour of those heroes who were loyal to their king
They won their rights and liberties, they gained them by the sword
And the place those heroes hail from, is known as Waringsford
Although it is a village small, in the west of County Down
In the Parish of Garvaghy, three miles from Dromore town
Our Orange standards planted there, the cause we will maintain
Within our lovely Orange Hall, in Waringsford Demesne
I'm proud to be a member of that famous L.O.L.,
And 545's our number, that we all love so well;
We meet first Thursday of each month, we're known both near and far
And the title we go under is the Waringsford Rising Star
On every night of meeting, with our Master in the chair,
The Lodge is always opened with scripture and with prayer,
The Brethren standing round most cordially do join
In praising God who sent us, King William to the Boyne
And on the twelfth day of July, when we march out so gay,
With our colours floating proudly on that historic day;
We make the lords of all the land come out and join the throng,
And celebrate that glorious day, when right triumphed o'er wrong
Ye noble sons of Ulster, be ready for the call,
To guard those rights and liberties we won on Derry's Walls;
Then raise your No Surrender cry, let it ring both loud and clear
For as long as God is on our side no danger need we fear
But keep King William's memory, our glorious Prince of yore,
Till the Archangel's trumpet sounds and time shall be no more;
And wear the Bible and the Crown, the Orange and the Blue,
For it was for these colours that King James' men we slew
And when we pass through darkness to that bright heavenly land,
To meet our Great Grand Master, and there before him stand;
To dwell forever with the Lord, and His praises there to sing,
Along with our ancestors and William our great King!