Human Kitten imperfect stranger

You've gotta love yourself
The way you love your favorite song
You've gotta love yourself
The way you love sleeping in 'til 2 P.M.
You've gotta love yourself
The way you love pita chips with hummus
You've gotta love yourself
The way you love anyone else
'Cause you deserve you
Yes, you do
You deserve to be satisfied,
Happy and successful too
You've got to treat yourself
The way you treat your grandmother
You've got to treat yourself
The way you treat your favorite author
You've got to treat yourself
The way you treat a perfect stranger
With respect and innate forgiveness
You've got to give yourself a break
And trust me when I say this:
We all screw up sometimes
We all accidentally cross the line
We all make fools of ourselves
But, hey man, at least we're still alive
And I assure to each and every one of you
That love can conquer any single thing
That's troubling you
You've got to love yourself
The way you love anyone else
You've got to love yourself
The way you love anyone else
You've got to love yourself
The way you love anyone else
'Cause you deserve it
Yes, you do
You deserve to be satisfied,
Happy and successful too