Humut Tabal through the forest and twisting shadow

Through the forest and twisting Shadows
Death calls thy name as ye walk
Starlight blocked by the winter clouds
Never shalt thou see the sun again
Blinding snow ye cannot see
Pray for Death to set ye free
The songs of spirits tempt thy ears
Begging thee to stop and die
Though tonight thou shalt join them
Thou resisteth with all thy might
Forest-dæmons grasp thy soul
Thou shalt die in biting snow
Your struggle is worthless, your life is gone
O'er dæmon-song thou hearest a voice
that strikes thee numb with fear
The Serpent-Lord, Satan himself
Promising thee life and riches
Thou cryest for mercy as life escapes
Thou beggest for life, but it's too late
Satan steals thy final breath
Thou enterest Hell through frozen death!