Hylin byker day

Typical Byker Day
(Written by James Alexander)
It's dark and cold and wet and grey
On a typical Byker Morn
My head's still heavy and the car won't start
What a way to face the dawn
There's clothes on the line,
Bins in the lane, There's dirt in the yard
It's a typical Byker, Hey Hey.
Typical Byker day.
The cat's out on the back yard wall
Screaming out for food
The dog's are barking and the children crying
On their way to school
Who knows where we're going
Only time will tell
I only know that I'm moving soon
And I hope you are as well.
The cat's back on the back yard wall
Still screaming out for food
The dog's are barking and the children crying
On their way from school
I'm all mixed up and feeling sad,
The Council don't know what to do
They don't know what to say to us
Or what we're going through