I Built The Cross human predicament part 2 foundations

[The solution the the problem posed by the human predicament]
Author of the cosmos, our transcendent anchor, our eternal ground of authentic purpose
Jesus, our redeemer, creator, sustainer
Author of the cosmos, our transcendent anchor, our eternal ground of authentic purpose
Jesus, our redeemer, creator, sustainer
Pillar of objective worth, far-reaching arms of compassion.
Holy fount of value, from your gracious waters we swim ashore.
Dignified branches grated into a pure vine.
Crafted in your image, Father, our intrinsic worth finds its ground.
We are ends in ourselves
Bearers of the divine imprint
We are more than matter
We are ends in ourselves
Bearers of the divine imprint
We are more than matter
We are ends in ourselves
Bearers of the divine imprint
We are more than matter
We are more than accidents