I Love Your Lifestyle nice jacket not

How does it feel?
What are your reasons
for all this fucking
none living?
What are you doing?
Taking pictures of yourself while
you're reading?
Why the hell are you posting that?
Your food looks like shit on a plate
I'm actually terrified,
what if I yeah, what if you
became like that?
Cheers to us and to
what we became.
Well I feel a little ashamed
cus once i felt really happy,
I got fifty likes
Don't share your thoughts
Don't share your dreams
We don't give a fuck
about what you're eating
The reason why we
don't hang out is cus
Everything that you do
Is not happening if you don't
Take pictures and put on a filter
and post it on Instagram
Don't waste my time
Don't ruin my day
I don't need your stupid opinions, ok?
I'm not your friend
You don't even know who i am