I See Hawks In L.A. the beautiful narcotic place i reside

There’s a breeze on the hilltop
And a cloud on the sky
There’s a cabin a hundred years older than I
And I know I can get there
But I can’t can close my eyes
The beautiful narcotic place I reside
I walk through the forest and I sit in the stream
Trees all around me and I slip into a dream
And I think I hear hear thunder or just a lone F16
The beautiful narcotic place I reside
Ooh ooh ooh
It’s over, it’s over
It just might be over
Where once I saw greed
I see the innocent tribe
Who’s that driving my car it ain’t me
Cause I’m a hundred feet up a tree
And you won’t have to dope me, I’m already asleep
The beautiful narcotic place I reside
Ooh ooh ooh
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