IAM kheops l horizon

The pharaoh, the living god of Egypt
speaks now,
Khueops is divine, great, powerful, obscure, fantastic, magical, royal,
When we pronounce his name the priest bow your head
The simple mortals prostrate themselves Khéops
Here is the tomb of pharaoh
The pyramid that they built for him to endure the siege of a millennium Khé ops, pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, belongs to the horizon {x4}
Immediately he reached with 146 meters high the highest point of human ambition,
For this fantastic construction,
The faith of the workers of Cheops piled up 3 million blocks of stone, some of which weigh 30 tons,
At the foot of its stone mountains, everything seems tiny,
br/>Cheops, pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, belongs to the horizon {x4}
Who are you?
I am Cheops, king of the south and the north,
br/>Chief of all living forever,
Master of terror, lord of the desert, lord of the sky,
I chose for the ibis an Arab proverb which says:
The universe fears time but time fears the ties,
Listen to me now, listen to him, the one called Cheops, try to hear Cheops, pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, belongs to the horizon {x4}
Pharaoh could continue his obscure journey towards eternity.