IAM l cole du micro d argent

I've been sitting cross-legged for hours meditating
On my mountain and I can't clear my head
I focus on the diaphragm, I increase my energy
RÃ ©awaken the beast that lurks in my soul
I have just finished my mental preparation
They will taste the incomparable style of Serval
The breath of the 4 winds increases my power tenfold
Long months of work have exaggerated my senses
I created an internal imbalance voluntarily
So that the Yang side be the dominant
With feet firmly anchored in the earth
I draw the last forces from nurturing mother nature
I lead the troops into combat to destroy ©do
The plywood warriors of the wooden microphone school
Our banner flies atop the Tsunami
Proudly announcing the charge of the Micro Silver
In the heart of the battle
I sow terror when I strike with thrusts and cuts
I feel the spirit of the feline invading me
At this stage, only blood gives me pleasure
My claws engrave the colors of the Empire
Greater than that of Alexander whose defender I am
My saber sparkles, I meditate, crouching under the branches of a willow
Cry, I defend the honor of my school, son
The third eye scans the terrain, the tactics
To practice, to sweep the enemy, static
Physically, stealthy movements
From the essence of my mind develops the bases of my strategy
So I stand in the clatter, clad in weapons
I have an entire army under the spell
Ready to die, to the glory of my standard
I gathered the clique of valiant barbarian warriors
Dare-dare, I sent the letters to pasture
Pursued the traitors, according to the teaching of my masters
br/>Without rest, I spit ashes
And will continue the massacres until the name of AKH is legendary
For the soldier, alpha warrior, is skillful
And launches the assault there on the school of the wooden microphone
The battle has begun, this blow comes
From an expert in war, valiant practitioner of the Matian arts
Delegate to put an end to these horrors
Such is my work, you know whose honor I am defending
The ©silver micro school {x8}