IAM ombre est lumire

It's the dark side of the force
[Verse 1 - Akhenaten]
Light, concrete, a clown concept
When the shadow falls on us like an army ©e de jnouns
The theory of colors disappears from the decor
The absence of photons puts everyone in agreement
The queen is fallen a new one takes the scepter
And the shadow makes its place by devouring the specter
It spits out the light purer than before
And generates debts forgotten by time
Bad days attracted the wrath of the gods
Aggressive intensity disturbed the eyes of gods
The universe overturns like a vase
When the dark conqueror drives out the light in the boxes
And may his reign be great for eternity
His mutation of nature and identity prosperity
Will remember the day, this day when day became night
Where light became dark
Old niches were swept away very quickly
New speeches , new semantic songs
New domains a horizon torn by comets
Darkness does not acquire a nation of new poets
That the shadow be a tree and I will be its sap
Let the shadow be a soldier and I will be its sword
Waiting for the genesis of a ray to manifest
Abd-El-Hâkem always looks towards the East
Comes chaos then calm then the glow springs forth with the purity of a Persian fabric
Power is dreamed ¨re
Silver is stone
Why mystery
Shadow is light
[Chorus 1]
For once light springs from darkness ©
These are shadows
[Verse 2 - Shurik'n-Chang-Ti]
The dark lifts the veil
Like a luminist painter reveals to the public day his canvas
And everything seems clear
To too sectarian minds
A cat is a cat everything is logical no mystery
But, stuck in the shadows the photons await
The auspicious moment when he will honor them with his presence
This disk source of energy
Which repels the night
Arises from the dark and before whom every man flees
The dark spirit opts for autonomy
Takes advantage of the knowledge acquired during his life
And he climbs towards the exit of the tunnel
Blade of the sordid sword in the alleys
Aspires to brilliance, eternal brilliance
The corridors of oblivion have made him a halogen
Charger at maximum black light
The one that deep within beings generates hope
The exit from the tunnel is getting closer and closer
Slowly but surely completes the process
Darkness becomes lighter, clarity darkens
One begets the other, mutation is guaranteed
May the gods deign accede to our requests
The black face of the globe asserts itself as being
When the dragon wakes from its sleep
Hear my prayers
Shadow becomes light ¨re
[Chorus 2]
Darkness reigned everywhere
It was both grandiose and gloomy