Ian Britt being me

All the good things that I have done, are gone and forgotten.
The greatness of my youth is now an over grown garden.
All the plans that I had made, have fallen by wayside.
No lavish holiday for me on the Costa Del Seaside.
Oh its hard being me, Oh so hard being me.
Between the devil and deep blue sea.
Oh so hard being me
yum... yum nye yum... etc and boogie
Any money that I may have, barely fills my pocket.
You say at least your still alive son, better not knock it. My health has definitely taken a turn for worse...
and my mind is on the slide...
so Im booking me a hearse.
... everyone sings along merrily.
All my aging faculties, my blatant mortality.
Oh joy aint life just dream.
Wasted times that I have spent.
All my heroes came and went.
Leaving me with nothing.
Nothing at all.
My girlfriends kind of cute but she's not exactly Playboy.
The love we sometimes make, it brings me no joy.
I'm brain washed but I don't care I just want to watch TV.
It keeps me from myself, the beautiful box of monotony.
, which you should know by now.