Ian Tyson saddle bronc girl

She's a saddle bronc girl,
she is one of a kind.
Drives a beat up Chevy hatchback,
and it moves her down the line.
Big bronc a waitin,
in a town just up ahead.
Better hold on tight,
get tapped off just right,
saddle bronc girl.
If the glory is in the going,
well she might as well get gone.
Oh, she got no way of knowing,
what kinda bronc she's drawn.
On the rodeo road,
she chose the warrior's way.
Ahh, hold on tight,
get tapped off just right.
Saddle bronc girl.
Hey Kaila! Hey Kaila whatcha gonna do?
How far you gotta go to make the dream come true?
And our next rider in chute number four, a young lady
from up in British Columbia, Canada on a bronc called
No GST, here's Kaila Mussel chute four.
She's a saddle bronc girl,
she is one of a kind.
Drives a beat up Chevy hatchback,
and it moves her down the line.
Big bronc a waitin,
in a town just up ahead.
Better hold on tight,
get tapped off just right,
saddle bronc girl.
Better hold on tight,
get tapped off just right,
saddle bronc girl.