Ian Warner paralyzed

Verse 1
Just had the wind knocked out of me
And it hurts to speak
Trying so hard to find strength in me
But I feel so weak
But I feel so weak
Verse 2
My outer core is chipping away
Soon all will be left is just an empty shell
Filled with lies that are eating away
My soul remains captive in this lonely prison cell
I feel paralyzed
From my heart to my mind
Renew my spirit, make me refined
Give me your eyes so I can see
All the lies he's throwing at me
I feel paralyzed
Verse 3
I fall to my knees in desperation
Knowing you can save me through salvation
I don't know how I got myself in this mess
Clothe me in your righteousnessBridge
You’re the only one who determines my fate
You’re the only one who makes me wait
The only one who can save my soul
The only one who can make me whole
Chorus (Key change D)