Illtalian feat. Paradox Lockdown & Streetlight Cadence matches

When I was born my parents lit a fire, and it burned inside my heart
They told me I should never hide it, it was there to light up the dark
But what they didn't say was that sometimes the darkness hates the light
I learned that lesson at a cost, and it would change my view on life
As a boy, I was gentle, soft-spoken, and shy
I just wanted to be liked, I wouldn't even hurt a fly
So I'd do what people asked me to, never stood up for myself
Let others use and abuse my niceness, to amuse themselves
I trusted peoples promises, never dreamed that they'd be lying
And with every new deception I'd spend another night crying
I learned that people will pretend to like you for a while
But once you serve your purposes, they'll ditch you with a smile
Friendships are relative, and relatives can't be trusted
Cuz trusting anyone will only leave you more disgusted
With each betrayal I felt I failed, my light was starting to dim
If God had doomed me to this tale, why should I shine for Him?
When the sun falls asleep
Give me light, let me see
Burst with fire, consume me
Soon we'll see, these shadows weep
Fast forward a couple of years, my light is all but gone
Cynical and jaded, I blew it out to become strong
Strong enough to fight back, to hurt the ones who hurt me
If they dare to cross my path, I'll never show them mercy
I'll destroy all those who come too close, they don't care about me
I don't want or need your help, not even if I was drowning
Tell me what choice I had, living with all these savages?
I've taken so much damage that I'm tired of changing these bandages
My heart is breaking – no it's broken – it never served me right
It's only been a weakness to me, like that stupid light
And this poison that I'm feeling, it is seeping through my soul
To the point where now I'm screaming when I'm sleeping, I can't hold
It any longer, it's getting stronger, when did I get so cynical?
I get mad then I'm depressed and it repeats, it's all so cyclical
I'm hurting and I'm broken, but knowin that isn't the key
It all comes down to whether or not there's still a spark in me
When the sun falls asleep
Give me light, let me see
Burst with fire, consume me
Soon we'll see, these shadows weep
This fire in my heart, used to burn brighter than the sun
But I put it out and now what's done, can never be undone
I'll carry around these scars and burns as long as I will live
But I carry something much greater now, the knowledge that God forgives
When I was at my lowest, bitter, poisonous, ugly
God took me in his own, scarred hands, and told me that He loved me
And the fire in His eyes, reignited my empty soul
It's not the way it used to be, it's just a smoldering coal
But it's a start and it's enough to see exactly where my path is
So instead of carrying a torch, I'll bring a box of matches
And every time the darkness strikes, I'll strike another match
And shine my light into the dark, to force the shadows back
With every act of kindness, a match is being lit
And I plan to set the world ablaze, never shall I quit
As Christ forgave my sins, I forgive the world at last
For this little light of mine, proves that the dark has finally met its