Imaginary Johnny small prices

Like opening the door just to feel the air again
Opening the door as far as it will go
And the rain falls crooked
Like looking for answers you know don’t exist
And feeling nostalgic for things you don’t miss
And the rain falls harder now
And you know, all that motion
Doesn’t hide all the lines in your face
We all have shadows
Trailing us place to place
Just open the door
Just open the door as far as it will go
Just open the door and they call you by name
The world is full of small small prices
We all have to pay
Just open the door
Like feeling envy for someone you’ve never met
And asking forgiveness for what you don’t regret
Like opening the door
Like looking for answers you know don’t exist
And feeling nostalgic for things you don’t miss
And envy for someone you’ve never met
Asking forgiveness for what you don’t regret
Just open the door
And the rain falls harder now