Imaginary Tricks bird

People always ask me if I'm having
any fun and I never know what to say.
I think they're trying to start a
conversation, so I try, but I really want to walk away.
But I need to start feeling a little better
about myself, so I stay and I say, Really!? No way!!
Feeling like a jerk and a phony but I
tried, and there's really nothing left to say
Despite what you heard,
I am still feeling like a little bird flying away
Despite what you heard I am still feeling
like I'm not out of line for wanting freedom.
If anybody asks you what you're doing with your
life, you should tell them that you're doing great.
With all the other questions that are swimming in
your head, man there's really nothing left to say.
Because if you think you've got it,
then you get it and you're good. Watch the worries all melt away.
We were always trying to be better than the
rest, but the rest, it was you, it was you and me.
Despite what you heard,
I am still feeling like a little bird flying away
Despite what you heard I am still feeling
like I'm not out of line for wanting freedom