In Extremo die gier

When the night is made for us
Sends dark veils
When no love lies sleeping
The hand moves forward
When passion defeats me
The fire ignites
Is my heart
Driven by you
I come to you when everything is asleep
I come to you only at night
I wait for the sun to go down< br/>And I tremblingly bow to your power
Quiet the greed, the greed in me
Hold me tight
Quiet the greed, the greed in me
Hear me
The stars shine
In the wide sky
For you and me
Until the night falls apart
When the breath fills with pleasure
>The lips burn
When this light illuminates us
You will recognize
The fire of the heart breaks chains
The torment expires
We burn up
It's about time
I come to you when everyone is asleep
I only come to you at night
I wait for the sun to go down
And I bow to you, trembling Power
Quiet the greed, the greed in me
Hold me tight
Quiet the greed, the greed in me
Quiet the greed, the greed in me
Hold me firmly
Quiet the greed, the greed in me