In Extremo liam

One windy day
When she lay beside him
The storm blew, the waves broke
A day when his treasure was drowned in the sea
The night wind cried
She cried in his ear
Far away
He has gone
Your lost treasure
Liam, Liam, I am always with you
Liam, Liam, I love the sea
Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam
I'll be with you soon
In her father's boat
She was full of sunrise
She set sail from day to day night
She begged the Gods
Destiny was hers
They showed her mercy
Far out
Then she met a ship
Liam, Liam…
Captain, now whisper to me
Is my treasure among you
The waves tore him overboard
The wild sea bore him with her
The girl cried
She cried bitterly
Far out
That her tears disappeared with a sea
Liam, Liam...