In Real Life you blew it

Now I can breathe for the first in a minute,
I hope you know that I'm not in it for the.
Sex appeal or the frozen rusted
daggers that you thrusted into my life.
I don't know how to fix this.
I found life in a studio apartment where I.
Sat for two years and contemplated.
Everything that I'm supposed to be.
And everything I'm not.
The first time you walked away.
Drenched head to toe in sweat.
I should have known where this was going.
I should have seen the ending.
A twice lived life where I'm pretending.
To act like I don't know what you're doing,
when you go out for drinks with your best friends.
Why would you just assume.
That everything I'm doing is against you.
Your jealousy is overbearing.
A year ago I found the ending.
A chance to heal, to understand me.
But you hang around like a noose tied to my neck.
Caught up in my emotions.
Can't seem to shake you off.
All in to find you folding.
I'm losing everything I know.
The first time you walked away.
Drenched head to toe in sweat.
I should have known where this was going.
I should have seen the ending.
A twice lived life where I'm pretending.
To act like I don't know what you're doing,
When you go out for drinks with your best friends.
So look back on what we were.
Every time you're missing me.
I don't want to remember who you are.
I learned a lot from this.
From your first time to our first kiss.
I'm blocking your calls and can't believe,
you made this ending all about you.
The first time you walked away.
Drenched head to toe in sweat.
I should have known where this was going.
I should have seen the ending.
A twice lived life where I'm pretending.
To act like I don't know what you're doing,
when you go out and fuck your best friend.