Ina Deter ses aas

Magic in the eye, melting in the gaze
Nimble tongue, knows every trick
Cool expression is worn
Everything is allowed, just no questions
The journey begins, the desire to see
When rip-offs go on patrol
With you we know what we have
I call you sweet carrion the plague
Der Südstadt
Put yourself in the spotlight, play your game
This is your style, the journey is the destination
Ready to pounce, hot cheeks
Everything about you, just desire
You can see what turns you on
Glowing sex, that never goes away
With you we know what we have
I call you sweet carrion the plague
Der Südstadt
You never give away feelings, you are stingy with yourself
It is attractive you hot, awakens new greed
You can be had, bought with lust
Anyone can run away from you
You love it wild, or completely quiet
Like the wind blows wherever it wants
With you we know what we have
I call you sweet carrion the plague