Indiana Bible College IBC Choir feat. Chorale & Praise power

Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
Behold, I will send you another Comforter
He shall keep you every day
He shall teach, lead and guide you
All the way
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
Today I will send you another Comforter
He shall keep you every day
He shall teach, lead and guide you
All the way
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
After the Holy Ghost has come upon you
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall have the power
When the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place
One-hundred and twenty in the upper room with passion, seeking his face
As they were praying in one accord there was a stirring deep within
Suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a rushing, mighty wind
It filled all the house where they were sitting, groaning with desire
Then there appeared cloven tongues, like as a flaming fire
They were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and a heavenly encounter
When they came down from the upper room, every one of them had the power
Ye shall
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall
Ye shall have the power
Ye shall
Ye shall have the power
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right
Power, to walk right
Power, to talk right
Power, to live right
Power, to pray right