Instrumental Chart Hits under the makeup in the style of a ha

This is how it ends, each on our own
Unless we pretend meanwhile our hearts turn to stone
Shaped by wind oohh that slowly molded over time here within
I, I wanna see you under the make up
Let all the worry vanish away
I wanna hold you like it's the first time
Like you are still mine
If you wanted out didn't I let you go?
If you wanted in didn't I make it so?
It could be, tenderness escaped so easily
I, I wanna see you under the make up
Let all the worry vanish away
I wanna hold you like it's the first time
Like you are still mine
I, I wanna see you under the make up
Let all the worry vanish away
I wanna hold you like it's the first time
Like you are still mine
I, I wanna see you under the make up