Irene Grandi bum bum

Work is bad, everyone says it
It's better to make love
Even every evening yes it's good
Yes yes work is bad bad bad
Too many say it
A suitcase of dreams before departure
Holiday from tomorrow
And the whole world is a country, and there are millions of us
Millions of houses and colors who knows
Who knows what strange fairy tales,
Strange religions
Among the people who go around, those who leave, those who arrive, those who go
The world turns
BUM BUM the heart beats BUM BUM
The world is a merry-go-round, I'm not going down,
BUM BUM beats the sun BUM BUM
Life goes in circles it falls down the world goes down
If the there is no hell, there is no heaven,
The world for us
is an image inside me that
Everyone has inside themselves
is Is that the world you want, for us
What life is like in Japan
I would really like to know and then
Speak to the emperor who knows if it's raining or shining
br/>I'm going to see
I got lost in Japan, and so
You'll see that it's good here, here too
Boys kiss on scooters
In front of schools
And the whole world is a country, and there are millions of us
Millions of houses and colors
Who knows if everyone puts flowers in the cannons
Among the people that goes around there is life that comes and goes
The world turns
BUM BUM the heart beats BUM BUM
The world is a merry-go-round, I'm not going down,
BUM BUM the sun beats BUM BUM
Life goes around in circles it falls down the world goes down
If there is no hell, there is no heaven
The world for us< br/>There is an image inside me that
Everyone has within themselves
That's the world you want, for us
The world falls, the earth falls
Everyone on the ground and then down
If there is no hell, there is no heaven
The world for us
Inside you now imagine that
There is an image of the world you want
That's the world for us