Irina seinat

You shouldn't try, deny it once, you won't get anywhere
even if you remember the promises you slip
in one moment you throw everything else into the pot
The walls close in a circle when you run away from yourself
longer if you don't see you you'll hit an obstacle before long
I need to breathe you're afraid you're wasting life
you don't want to feel safe in a frenzy you're burning karma
you know those flames will soon spread to your bridges
walls close in a circle when you run away from yourself
longer if you don't see you will run into an obstacle before long
after the party the guests leave empty shells remain
mushrooms close in a circle when you run away from yourself
longer if you don't see you will run into an obstacle
the walls close in a circle when you run away from yourself
after all, if you don't see you'll run into an obstacle before long