Ivy Queen lleg el domingo naldo only

Sunday arrived and I still believe
that today in one of these old ladies
I see you reading a book
Sunday arrived and I continue thinking
that when I get to my room
You will be waiting for me dreaming
tell me love how I am going to cure myself
of this bad pain that does not let me breathe
of scars that do not heal
the wounds that do not close
situations that are locked in my broken soul (x2)
tell me how I get out of my being
the feeling that makes me see
your face your hair your lips
today I live a love that is reborn
every time I close my eyes
tell me, love, how am I going to heal
from this bad pain that doesn't let me breathe
from scars that don't heal
the wounds that do not close
situations that are locked in my broken soul (x2)
Sunday arrived and I continue to believe
that today on one of these trips
I see you reading a book
arrived on Sunday and I keep thinking
that when I get to my room
you will be waiting for me dreaming
...this is naldo
and this is feelings
sangre new music
and expect tears of blood soon
my new album
hey ivy
you asked me for a bolero that cuts veins
and I saved everything I had in my heart
and here I leave it to you