J-Wall gone

Verse One:
Welcome to life, our journey begins
Follow me, from beginning to end
When a child, it is important to play
When a teen, date night is Friday
When your 21, Saturday nights mean clubs
If you travel, it may be Irish pubs
When you are 30, you will be bonded for life
Then you hit middle age, your world fills with strife
Life starts out as fun, always messing around
But then comes middle age, and everything is unwound
You hit the big five-O, now your closer to hell
Then your in diapers, back to being baby, you have fell
Verse Two:
Isn't it strange, how we grow up and drop
All of the pain, that once made us stop
We lose eveything, including memories
Now, we know no pain, we act like babies
Remember who I am? No, of course you don't
You try to remember, but you can't and you won't
Now you need your child, to do what you did for them
Change your diapers now, and do it often