Jack Wall myst iii exile main theme

Tomahna, Edanna, Amateria, Voltaic, Narayan:
J'nanin, comensanin, expidan revilani erte yan. (J'nanin, where the journey to learn the Art begins.)
Naray alani; (Narayan, my home;)
Naray latiste t'dee; (Narayan, whose lattice tree is life;)
Nosis amani azhwa na. (I think of you with joy.)
Famina sa, (Keep my family safe,)
Havana devota. (Shelter the ones I love.)
Tomahna, Edanna, Amateria, Voltaic, Narayan:
J'nanin, apic'Nanin, revilani ero yamani yan. (J'nanin, use what you have seen to unlock all that my Ages have to offer.)
Ami malisa pariel; (I will avenge your peril;)
Memondama ami soule! (Remember my heart!)
Tomahna! Edanna! Amateria! Narayan!
Releeshahn! Nilashahn! Malisa ma Narayan! (Releeshahn! Annihilation! I will avenge my Narayan!)
Tomahna, Edanna, Amateria, Voltaic, Narayan:
J'nanin, locusani, degraca soule de yamani... (J'nanin, breeding ground for lost souls...)