Jackson Grimm bar the door

When love comes to call
Don't open the door
She'll leave you breathless
Ragged and torn
Under your window
Calling your name
A star-crossed lover
Standing in the rain
When the wine bottle's empty
And the creek has run dry
The moon and the stars
Fall out of your sky
Love will com to you
A burden to bear
Trailing the light
In the strands of her hair
When love comes,
Bar the door
She'll take all you have
And ask you for more
And by the light of the moon
From the opposite shore
She'll leave you ragged and torn
Flames from the fire
Keep eating my words
Watching my old friends
Flicker and burn
Love's hand in mine
As I sit here alone
I'm leaving the sun
But I'm taking my bones
When love comes,
Bar the door
She'll take all you have
And ask you for more
And by the light of the moon
From the opposite shore
She'll leave you ragged and torn