Jagjit Singh & Chitra Singh jab kabhi teraa naam lete haein

Lyrics Sardar Anjum
Whenever I ever take your name
I take my name from my heart
Stories of my barbarians
I take my friend's name
Just this is a crime Apanaa
I have stopped loving you
I have fallen at every step but have learned
How have I caught up with you
I have stopped walking in the path of love
*** Foot notes
Inteqaam: Avenge, Revenge, Reprisal
Barbaadi: Loss, ruin, destruction, waste, laying waste, ravage
Afsaana: Fiction, Legend, Romance, Tale, Story
Jurm: Crime, Guilt, Offense
Kaam: Business, Desire, Design, Embroidery, Employment, Engagement, Errand, Intention, Job, Labour, Object
Qadam: Footstep, Measure, Pace, Step
Giraton: Falls
Thaam: Take
Bhatakna: To go astray, to stray, wander, miss the right path, lose the path or way; to err, to deviate or depart from a right course; to be restless or disquieted, to long or pine
Junoon: Craze, Ecstasy, Frenzy, Insanity, Lunacy, Mania, Madness, Passion, Zealotry
Aql: Brain, Gumption, Intellect, Knowledge, Mind, Reason Sense, Wisdom, Understanding