Jake Kaufman end credits dared to dream

Ooooh, aahhhh,
You beat the game!
Never thought they could stop me
Thought I had the girl, and she rocked my world
(backing: heck yeahj)
Tried to keep her away,
In my secret hiding place: Outer space
Things are fading to black,
There's no turning back,
I'm on a roll!
Maybe tomorrow. Won't bring me sorrow
(backing: Skull-ma-ged-don)
Fallin' right into the void
Got me thinkin' that I was destroyed
And I'm hopin' that you have enjoyed
Beating me down
(backing: So-se-tsu-ken)
Here's a medal for your victory
To remind you of what you did to me!
Cause you've gotten me down on my knees
Where's the ground?
(backing: Look below you, aaaaah!)
Yes! Nice guitar solo!
Play faster, Williams!
That's Abobo on drums!
(backing: Aw yeah, nice solo!)
Remember all the friendship,
I brought into your life!
For Williams, Abobo, and Linda, (backing: he's ottoman)
Together, they skinned ya, (backing: they're not your friends)
Forever my loyal color guard, (backing: they are your rivals)
And I,
A magical skeleton, (backing: a ske-le-ton, no skin)
A-rendered to gelatin!
Because I... (backing: in bone armor, great style!)
I dared to dream.
And in my dream, (backing: so happy, so happy)
I made Marian.
My girl fray-i-end (backing: i'll make her my wife)
(backing: She brings out the best in me)
And in my dream,
We lived happily,
She and me... (backing: my plan was foolproof. ahh)
Ahh. Back to reality...
But it was not meant to be
They caught wind and they came after me
I never expected to see.
Billy Lee!
(Jimmy: JIMMY TOO!)
Barely had time to prepare, (backing: here they come!)
They were fast on the way to my lair, (backing: help me, someone!)
The tank and the plant and the biker, (backing: tank, plant, mega biker)
Caught unaware!
(backing: ahh, one by one they bit the dust)
(backing: got to my palace at last,)
(backing: they were on a tear and i had to think fast)
(backing: but they fought right past)
I can't believe!!!
I'll be back!
Nya-ha-ha-ha! I'll return one day to antagonize YOU, Billy and Jimmy!