Jane Dark voices

Have you heard the news today
I can hear theses voices say
You should do what people say
Passing you along the way
Life is a constant process of dying!
No matter where you go – there you are.
You can't do that – it makes too much sense.
The limit is not the sky – the limit is in the mind!
It sounds like they are struggling
If they should tell me something new
Some of them speak loud and clear
Talking ‘bout their pain and fear
Some of them are whispering
The world is not enough for a king
No silence and no conclusion
They bring me just down again
No emptiness no frustration
They're disappearing when I
Turn on the music, heavy and loud - stop these voices
All these emotions make me feel proud – I stopped these voices
Deep in my mind I am free
While these voices stop beating me down
For that one moment I am the king
wearing the golden crown
When they come back in anger
I'm trying to resist the pain
But when they bring in a verdict
I am braking down again
Destroying words tormenting me
Demons crawl out of a black sea
They talk to me into believing
That they destroy my life and dreams
But my mind is getting stronger
Now I know how to ignore
Dear Strangers, the goal of your mission is to rob my inner freedom. But I tell you: The grass is not always greener on the other side, in fact, there may not be grass there at all.