Janice Kapp Perry his image in your countenance feat felicia sorensen

With no apparent beauty that man should Him desire,
He was the promised Savior to purify with fire.
The world despised His plainness But those who followed
Found love and light and purity; A beauty from within.
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Does the Light of Christ Shine in your eyes?
Will he know you when He comes again because you shall be
like Him,
When he sees you will the Father know His child?
We seek for light and learning as followers of Christ
That all may see His goodness reflected in our lives.
When we receive His fullness and lose desire for sin
We radiate His perfect love, A beauty from within.
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Does the Light of Christ Shine in your eyes?
Will he know you when He comes again because you shall be
like Him,
When he sees you will the Father know His child?
The ways of man may tempt us and some will be deceived,
Prefering worldly beauty, Forgetting truth received,
But whisprings of the Spirit remind us once again
That lasting beauty, pure and clear must come from deep
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Does the Light of Christ Shine in your eyes?
Will he know you when He comes again because you shall be
like Him,
When he sees you will the Father know His child?
by his after lasting image in your eyes