Jarmar Alu sex in the elevator

Ah ah
I'm not trying to be so serious
You know what I want from you
Meet me at the spot where we're gonna do
Everything that were gonna do
Stay with me
Breathe with me
Touch me there
I like the way you do , the things you strictly do, strictly do
Come baby come through, baby let me see you
Sex in the elevator
Us in the elevator
I'm not trying to be so serious
But I'm gonna give it to you
Where you like it ,tell me anything I will do
Give you things , like treats or new
Love Bae
Rub Bae
Touch me right there
I like to do, what I like to
When we like to do , ooooh ooooh pooh
Sex in the elevator
Us in the elevator
Practice makes perfect
What are we gonna do
You have a three or a two and two
Tell everybody that were in the mood
We can do what we're gonna do
I don't care if it's 20 or ten
Everybody better just say my name
Do what you what do
Bring it all to life
Do everything before you get a rise
Sex in the elevator
Us in the elevator
Sex in the elevator
Let me tell something black light
Wouldn't matter , we can be
Wouldn't matter, we can be
Bring a friend , bring a friend