Jazzkantine pi pa po

Even if I don't say anything, I say something
Long story short, that's how I like it
Pi Pa Po
Hallihello, I'm lulling and lalling
Full pot, full pot
Pille Palle Tsulala
And everyone is malle
The whole hall is spellbound
Even Mami Papi Hali Kali
Rambazamba but hello Hallodri
Lari Fari Remis Demie* muaah*
Ladi Dadi Ladi Lady
Dinn Dinn
Ballaballa but spicy
Like a ringtone
I bring worse fingers
Big fat things
Like Klimmbimm
Because I'm a rascal
Glotz glotz am having fun snot
Slobber smack despite the slobbery bib
Eyes smack of a rascal
When the cat dances
I sharply smack the slobber sparrow
Come on let's sweat darling
Jupi Supah
Chica bonita
Loco loco con colores
A me coconut cojones
Ladies Homies
Here they go Celebrities
Hokus Pokus Fidibus
And bye because I have to pee
I'll grab the Micro
And I'll babble naked
Tohuwabohu cuddly mess
And a lot of practical jokes< br/>No ifs or buts
I'll pack all the grouches in a sack
Rupp Zuck Ratz Fatz
Oh papperlapap knickschnack
Don't play any tricks
Otherwise I'll roll you and yours
Kinkerlitzchen in n leaves
No sparrows
Because my magic lasts
As well as abracadabra
Babber but no gibberish
Etemetete get out of the sun for me
Because you and your faxes
I'll knock you in the barrel
And I come without any hassle
And all that nonsense
Because I'm not like you
Just sit around stupidly all day
Fast as lightning
It's better to get out of the mess
Don't forget your pacifier and the rattle
Because I'm tinkering
Longer on the Pi Pa Po
With I'm just chatting you up
Than any other klutz
Splat Platsch
Olla the forest fairy
The fuller your old lady
The more Halligalli< br/>As Dana Scully
And Dallidalli Quickly
Did she swallow it
Oops, I'm sorry
I'm the best
I don't give a shit how good you are
You're a smartass
Seems like a joke to me
I'm running ahead
Make hits
The kids in front
As quick as a lightning goal
I know who your daddy is
Your daddy is a Popopapa
Like Owe Popper
Make Hopper's bottom
Loosen up his bottom
Such a birdie
Like [- ] Kitten
Make a joke
About Kinkerlitzchen
And your sentences
I just found it blah
Not fresh brown
Not Prada
I think I'm the guy
The one who was there before you
No Larifari
I don't give a shit about your cocolores
I do non-stop business
And you don't even know where the toilet is
You know that you don't know anything
So you know something
Greetings to Max
Ratzfatz du Ratzloch
Make room with your pee fax