Jean Grae stains

Wherever you go , I’m staying with you
She ran past the cities, the towns, the villages
They were all gone anyway
She kept running she ran past lakes, forests, she ran until she forgot her name
And remembered it again
She knew they would come, some day, when they’d been back there well they’d have to
There’s four years gone rogue
Things definitely stay with you,
All these stains, On your soul on your heart
She tried to be better inside but she knew it would never happen
Betrayal is a son of a bitch when it comes from a place you’re never expecting it
And it’s the closest thing and the closest thing you trust
In an effort to desensitize things, when her team got together
They intended to name their missions after video games
The first was kill screen, she didn’t intend for it to go the way it did
And I guess her team didn’t either
That changed everything
Kill screen was a mission for each member of their team to go into self-isolation for 90 days
At day 85, things went wrong
Imagination can be a beautiful thing,
But an act of imagination in an isolated space
No food, no light, left her no chance
No need to go into detail, all you need to know is they were the last of the vigilantes
And after they were gone,
There was only her
But she didn’t feel like saving anyone anymore
A lot of things happened in between that time and this time
Some times in order to really understand things you have to step back
And look at the puzzle pieces
And then put them back together
But in order to really understand the root of things,
You always have to go back to the beginning
So, let’s go back to the beginning