Jean Leloup la chambre

In my room where it's cold
1 meter fifty by three
Five dollars a night I think
Five dollars a night I think
I have a narrow bed,
And a wooden window
In my room where it's cold
The window overlooks the walls
Upstairs it's not the sky
Downstairs it's not the course
In the distance it's not the seas,
It's not the sea
Should I leave or stay?
Should I finally leave everything behind?
I look at the corners of the walls
And I listen to the whispers
It's the land of losers
The dirty land of the heartless
The noises start at night
The sounds of buried desires
The heavy footsteps of alcoholics
And the discreet ones of junkies
The weird drug addicts
The rats and the zeros
Should I by
Should I leave?
Should I leave or stay?
Should I finally let everything go?
Should I leave or stay?
Will I finally have to let everything go?
On my door a crucifix
Where a Jesus Christ is dying
In my room, I pray
Take me far from here!
And I sometimes dream at night
That I wake up elsewhere
I open the door one morning
It's a huge garden
A woman comes in a dream
br/>Visit me every evening
Don't let me down
She tells me mercilessly
Who is she I don't know
The one who will calm my cries
/>The one who will rock my nights
Every time I fall
Every time I fall
Every time I fall
Every time I fall
Should I leave or stay?
Should I finally let go of everything?
Should I leave or stay?
Should I finally let go of everything?