Jena Lee je m ennuie

I feel tired (I'm bored)*
Nothing can interest me (I'm bored)
I'm drowning in streaming movies online series but nothing can touch me (I'm bored)
I want to live for good (I'm so bored)
Between hatred and passions (I'm so bored)
Meler the drama has action (I'm so bored)
JLB let your imagination run wild
[Jena:] I'm bored I'm bored
[Jlb:] don't worry I'm here for you
[Jena:] I'm bored I'm bored distracted me (I'm bored I'm bored)
[Jlb:] with me you never get bored
[Jena:] I'm bored I'm bored have fun
Everything makes me desperate (I bored)
I'm still looking for something to do (I'm bored)
I watch people drown in their habits
While I dream of adventure (I'm bored) bored)
I want to live for good (I'm so bored)
Between hatred and passion (I'm so bored)
Mix drama with action (I'm so bored )
JLB let your imagination run wild
JLB: don't worry, I'm here for you
jena: (I'm bored, distracted (I'm bored I'm bored)
jlb: with me you don't get bored
jena: I'm bored I'm bored have fun
JLB: ohoh now I'm your pastan your need 'a smart, funny guy
you're bored you can make me eat I have shorts to iron
you can also caress me massage me gently on the sofa
I'm a real play a sex toy useful both in the evening and during the day
even at the emos I will disguise myself to be able to touch you except you, you may be too spoiled think of those who are not from home
go say goodbye to routine
say hello to active life
you're still too lucky to be in my company
chorus x2
jena: I'm bored I'm bored
jlb don't worry I'm here for you
jena: I'm bored I'm bored distracted me (I'm bored I'm bored)
jlb: ( you're bored) with me we don't get bored
jena: I'm bored I'm bored have fun (I'm bored I'm bored)
jena: amuse me
jlb: okey when will the pieces end
jena: amuse me distract me
jlb: because I'm bored enfete
jena: amuse me distract me