Jenni Rivera inocente pobre amiga

You look so much like me
You can't fool me
You gain nothing by lying
Better tell me the truth
I know you're going to abandon me
And I know very well for whom you do it
You think I don't realize
What happens is that I don't want anymore
more problems for your love
That you are going to go with her
It's okay, I don't object
I wish you to be happy
But I'm going to warn you
That if you come back again
I won't respond
You think I don't I realize
What happens is that I don't want anymore
More problems with your love
I'm a fool who loves you
And who fell in love with you
It's okay that they both understand each other
And that they both laugh at me
You think I didn't realize it
Well you see that's not the case
I've known it for a long time
And I never told you anything
And despite your betrayal
I gave you the opportunity
For you to reconsider
You think I didn't realize
What happens is that I no longer wanted
More problems with your love
And that fool who loves you
And who fell in love with you
She doesn't know what awaits her
And she thinks that she is going to be happy
Innocent poor friend
She does not know that she is going to suffer
There is no deception on warning
And I know very well that you are already leaving
Tell that one that she loves you today