Jennifer Rostock schlag alarm

The shark has teeth - a sharp mind
but what use is his teeth if he has forgotten how to bite
The earth shakes when it turns
the Libra is unbearably slanted
but a soft bed makes up for the doubts
where there is a head, there is usually a board
Close the windows, because the world is loud
/>We heat until the chimney smokes
But the fire that warms you today
Eats your skin tomorrow
The air is getting thin, the ground is already warm
Shock Alarm! Sound the alarm!
Doesn't anyone have a plan!?
The earth is shaking, the attic is on fire
Everything is about to collapse here
and you haven't done anything
Blow Alarm!
We entered, we looked around
the door closed, how stupid were we
life here has dulled you
offers accommodation for your unreason
The truth seeps and knocks
like rain dripping on corrugated iron
the roof that keeps you warm today
falls on your head tomorrow
The air becomes thin ...
The shark had plans and political instincts
but the shark has a migraine and no longer goes outside
The air is getting thin ...