Jessica Webb anger

Jessica Webb
© 2003 Jessica Webb
This soul you took from my body
This mind which wanders on its own
You know that the love I give is all I have
And all I know
The anger that flares up in my heart
The voices that fill up my existence
Follow into the nothingness
Of the darkness in my blood
The anger fills my veins
As my own wanders alone
My darkened blood
Fills my lifeless lungs
As I drown myself in my own
My own is the one
Who helped me through the darkened walls
Of my own mind
Such anger is surging
Through the depths of my
Pointless life
As I wander through shadows
And endless minutes of such
A lonesome desire
Anger numbs the pain
The world chooses to lay
Upon my shoulders
The soul I have
Withers away
As my own attacks my heart
Darkened blood in my only veins
Slows down as the fight is nearly over
My life nearly done
Anger numbs the pain
In my heart
When you break it
But hate heals
The fight was fought
My anger won
Life does not exist
In my body or my mind
Such a life is over
As now I’ve lost the battle
Love was all I knew
And now it shall be
All I fear
Life is done
The battle not won
Evil verses evil
Your time has almost come