Joan Manuel Serrat nanas de la cebolla

The onion is frost closed and poor
Frost of your days and my nights
Hunger and onion, black ice and frost
Big and round
In the cradle of hunger my The child was
He breastfed with onion blood
But your blood, frosted with sugar
Onion and hunger
A dark woman determined in the moon
It spills thread by thread over the cradle
Laugh, child, I bring you the moon
When necessary
Your laughter makes me free, it gives me wings
Solitudes Takes me away, prison takes me away the flowers and the larks
Rival of the sun
Future of my bones and my love
I woke up from being a child, never wake up
My mouth is sad Always stay in the cradle defending laughter
Feather by feather five jasmines
Border of kisses will be tomorrow
When in your teeth you feel a weapon
You feel a fire running down your teeth
Looking for the center
Fly child on the double moon of the chest
He, sad as an onion, you are satisfied
Don't collapse
Don't know what happens or what happens