Joan Sebastian el canario

If you want me to sing to you
I will become a canary
to sing to you always
to sing to you daily
If you ask me to shut up
the wait will be uncertain
but I have to please you
when I die of love
when I die of love
If you ask me for the moon
look, I'll give it to you
they say I'm deluded
and What's wrong with it?
Life is an illusion
a very strong illusion
a very healthy illusion
it is wanting to please you
it is wanting to please you
And I I'm back as a canary
I hope you like it
but tie up that cat
so that it doesn't scare me
Here is my song
I only ask for two things
give me a corner in your soul
to build my nest
never give me your forgetfulness
never give me your forgetfulness