Joan Sebastian mascarada

Sorrows come and go
sorrows came with you
to live on water and bread
I am not going to die without you
with everything and sorrows I tell you.
I remember that the sun exists
even though the sky is cloudy,
I like love
I like the heat and no...
the sun does not rise by your side.
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it's the end of a
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it's the end of a
Sorrows come and go
and if you let them finish you
I'm not going to let myself
and right now I'm going to command
the sorrows to where they were.
I remember what it means to smile
even though now I have bitterness
it was good to suffer
in this life you have to try
the green ones and the mature ones.
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it's the end of a
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it's the end of a
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it's the end of a
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back
not at all
it is the end of a