Joel Ansett new york

If this world never dies
And we will all be blessed or cursed
If there's any place worth saving
Oh God, save New York first
Oh God, save New York first
New York right underneath her long-tailed soil
New York until you feel the subway's
pulse and beat
See the living roots all kinds entangled
From Wall Street's king to idlers of the street
Rise to face her, eye level now New York
Watch clicking heels, making the curb alive
Until you know what brings these people here
And what it takes a city to survive
If this world never dies, it will all be blessed or cursed
If there's any place worth saving
Oh God, save New York first
Oh God, save New York first
New York
Stare hard and slow into her soul, New York
Till you see the wounded and forsaken
And all their longings tilted on a start
Stare until your bones are shaking
Listen to her from the subway to the sky
Telling you that every road is a fork
Leading toward one garden city or another
The question stands
Which one is New York?
If this world ever dies, we'll all be blessed or cursed
If there's any place worth saving
Oh God, save New York first
God, save New York first
God, oh, God, oh, save New York