Joey Briggs so let down

So I sat and wondered what the fuck
Are they writing on these sites
All these cowards hiding behind a screen
They never seem to get it right
They talk and they talk about who's right and wrong
But at least when I run off at the mouth
I do it in a song
I'm tired of all these little fools
Talking all their shit
Some people have minds of their own
so just get over it
Shut up please stop right there
Don't bother to explain
Start a fucking blog if you want to complain
It's so fucked up
And I'm so let down
By this scene that's burned itself to the ground
It's so fucked up
And I'm so let down
But it's not to late to turn it all around
I find myself getting harder to impress
With this mountain of shit bands put out every year
Who would've guessed?
I would grow to despise this thing I once loved
But all your ideas I've grown so tired of
If you want a reason to take your life
Just open an AP
I've never seen so many things I didn't want to see
Never felt so alienated by something I once was akin
But not anymore, not in the state it's in.
Oh Joey you've really taken it way too far, man
You really shouldn't talk so much shit about the fans
Fans? What fans? I'm in a fucking punk rock band
No one listens to punk but your older brother and believe me he ain't listening
Now you'll never get your photo in AP
Like they'd ever dream of giving a cover to me
I'm over the hill, an old man as far as they're concerned
So maybe I should just stop
Na, fuck it I got more tape to burn