Johann Sebastian Bach, Jörg Dürmüller & Jan Willem de Vriend matthuspassion bwv 244 iv da versammelten sich die hohenpriester

There assembled themselves the high priests
and the scribes together,
and the elders of the people
within the palace of the chief priest,
whose name was Caiphas;
and there took counsel,
how with stealth they might capture Jesus
and put him to death.
They said however:
Not upon the feast,
lest from it there be an uproar among the people
When now Jesus visited Bethany
and was in the house of the leper called Simon,
unto him came a woman who carried a jar of
precious ointment and poured it on his head
as he sat at the table.
But when his disciples saw it,
they became indignant and said:
What end serveth all this nonsense?
For this ointment might indeed
have been sold for much,
and the sum to the poor been given.
But when Jesus noticed this, said he unto them:
Why trouble ye so this woman?
For she hath done a good deed for me!
Ye always have the poor with you,
me though will ye not have always.
That she hath poured this ointment
over my body hath she done because I am to be buried. Truly I say to you: wherever this
gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, there will be told also in memory of her what she hath done.