John Congleton & The Nighty Nite your temporary custodian

Would protestors still gush to city center
If the universe would honk B-flat and halt?
Would cop cars still be rushing to their crime scenes
If farmers drop their seeds and drop their salts?
And then there's me, the temporary custodian
Of these particles, and free floating radicals
That convene for 80 years, that's if I'm lucky though
Never been very lucky though
What an extraordinary thing it is to be this ordinary thing
A phenomenal nominal nominal nominal nothing
This is what it's like; we will not be saved
We went looking for the sublime, we find only the inane
This is what we are; and we will not be changed
You can look for unseen order
You're gonna find that chaos reigns
We will not be saved
So if my carcass finds itself a mishap
But I avoid the room with center drains
The doctors will remove my dressing and casts
To a room that falls sin silent mouths aghast
They've seen nothing but the product of a billion years
Of evolution's deliverance - you'd think I'd act like it
So let me fed the flora fauna once when all my feeding's done
This zoo of bacterium
What an extraordinary thing it is to be this ordinary thing
This is what it's like; we will not be saved
We went looking for the sublime, we find only the inane
This is what we are; and we will not be changed
You can look for unseen order
You're gonna find that chaos reigns
We will not be saved
Just let go
If a tree falls in the woods it doesn't matter
What's the sound of one hand clapping? It doesn't matter
Is it the chicken or the egg? It doesn't matter
What do you do when you do nothing? It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter
Just let go