John Cullum, Rusty Ross & Patrick Page you re a mean one mr grinch

please go slowly sir
i dont like this mr. grinch (i dont like this mr. grinch)
no if's
or maybe's
what we are doing here Max is taking candy from babies
youre a mean one mr. grinch
you really are a heel
youre as cuddly as a cactus
youre as charming as an eel
Youre a bad banana with a greasy black peel!
Oh I'm sorry did I scare you?
I love it when the little ones cry.
Youre a monster
Who Me?
Mr. grinch
Your point?
Youre heart is an empty hole
What heart?
You're brain is full of spiders
youve got garlic in your soul
I wouldnt touch you with a thirty nine and half foot pole
Mr. Grinch you wouldnt do that!
Not the Whoo's feast
I take the Whoo's pudding
I'll take the roast beef
I'll clean up the ice box as quick as a flash
Have you no shame that's their last can of Whoo hash
and when everything is stolen from A to the Z I'll end with a flourish
And stalk up the tree.

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